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Seam Nav Financials is an integrated Sacco and Microfinance Management System seating on world-class Microsoft Dynamics365 ERP technology with a number of modules that enable Saccos and Microfinance Institutions to manage its operations from loans applications to disbursement, Savings accounts functionality, Financial accounting, and Reporting, shares.

We have crafted the following modules to ease your business operations.

  • Members, Groups and Members personal Accounts
  • Financial and Credit Management Module
  • Banking Module
  • Loan Processing Transactions
  • Reports

Moreover, we have a web-based portal that seamlessly integrates with the ERP. The portal provides an enhanced experience for your staff and a self-service portal for members.

A custom made android mobile app is provided as an add-on upon request, feel free to contact us at +254778427921 or info@seamlineinnovations.com.